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Watch this clip while it is still available:
This tragedy would have been prevented if .......
Wenatchee toddler shoots self with handgun
Notice what happens when the firearm is not secured
Gun Control Measures Sent to Gov. Brown

Gov. Brown Takes Action on Gun Control Bills
The National Shooting Sports Foundation is extremely disappointed that Gov. Brown today chose to sign into law these highly restrictive and unneeded gun control measures, all of which will affect law-abiding Californians while doing nothing to stop the criminal misuse of firearms. By acting within 24 hours after being sent these bills, and not allowing the public to voice their opinions in order to depart for his European vacation, the governor compounded the miscarriage of legislative process and procedure while demonstrating disdain for Californians who now face laws that clearly infringe on their Constitutional rights.
- AB 1135(Levine) andSB 880(Hall) Firearms: assault weapons -Expands the definition of assault weapons based on whether a semiautomatic firearm has a detachable magazine, banning thousands of popular firearms.
- SB 1235(de Leon) Ammunition -Requires authorization to purchase ammunition and track what and how much ammunition each person buys, creating a database of ammunition purchasers.
- SB 1446(Hancock) Firearms: magazine capacity -Makes it illegal to possess magazines capable of holding more than 10 rounds no matter how long a person has owned them.
- AB 1511(Santiago) Firearms: lending -Makes it illegal to loan a firearm to a person who is personally known to you (except for family members with restrictions).
- AB 1695(Bonta) Firearms: false reports -Creates a 10-year prohibition on owning firearms for someone convicted of falsely reporting a lost or stolen firearm.
- SB 894(Jackson) Firearms: lost or stolen: reports –Would have made it a crime not to report lost and stolen firearms to law enforcement within the arbitrary time limit.Governor’s Veto Message
- AB 1673(Gipson) Firearms: unfinished frame or receiver -Would have expanded the definition of a firearm to include partially finished frames and receivers (no definition of what this means) and require their registration.Governor’s Veto Message
- AB 1674(Santiago) Firearms: transfers –Would have made it illegal to buy or receive more than one firearm in any 30 day period.Governor’s Veto Message
Governor Jerry Brown
c/o State Capitol, Suite 1173
Sacramento, CA 95814Phone:(916) 445-2841Fax:(916) 558-3160E-mail:
Contact Gov. Brown Immediately!
- AB 1135(Levine) Firearms: assault weapons -Expand the definition of assault weapons based on whether a semiautomatic firearm has a detachable magazine, banning thousands of popular firearms
- AB 1511(Santiago) Firearms: lending -Make it illegal to loan a firearm to a person who is personally known to you (except for family members with restrictions)
- AB 1673(Gipson) Firearms: unfinished frame or receiver -Expand the definition of a firearm to partially finished frames and receivers (no definition of what this means) and require their registration
- AB 1674(Santiago) Firearms: transfers -Make it illegal to buy or receive more than one firearm in any 30 day period
- AB 1695(Bonta) Firearms: false reports -Expand the definition of a firearm to partially finished frames and receivers (no definition of what this means) and require their registration
- SB 880(Hall) Firearms: assault weapons -Expand the definition of assault weapons based on whether a semiautomatic firearm has a detachable magazine, banning thousands of popular firearms
- SB 894(Jackson) Firearms: lost or stolen: reports -Make it a crime not to report lost and stolen firearms to law enforcement
- SB 1235(de Leon) Ammunition -Require authorization to buy ammunition and track what and how much ammunition each person buys, creating a database of ammunition purchasers
- SB 1446(Hancock) Firearms: magazine capacity -Make it illegal to possess magazines that can hold more than 10 rounds no matter how long a person has owned them
It is critical that you contact Gov. Brown IMMEDIATELY and respectfully urge him to VETO all of these anti-gun bills.Let him know that you object to the Legislature's denial of your right to voice your input on each of these measures and that you are offended by the Legislature's disregard for legislative rules and procedural abuse.
Gov. Brown has indicated he will act on these bills byFridayat11 a.m., prior to leaving the country for his European vacation. Time is of the essence!Contact information for Gov. Brown can be found below.
Mailing address:
Governor Jerry Brown
c/o State Capitol, Suite 1173
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone:(916) 445-2841
Fax:(916) 558-3160
Please see the article below:
California Senate to Vote on Anti-Gun LegislationTomorrow
Contact Your State Senator Today!
The California Senate is scheduled to consider a number of anti-gun billstomorrow; AB 156, AB 1135, SB 1235, and SB 880.
Assembly Bill 156andSenate Bill 1235would mandate background checks on ammunition purchases and require those selling ammunition to apply for and pay for an "ammunition vendor" license. Such ammunition purchases would also be logged into a database known as the Ammunition Purchase Records File maintained by the Department of Justice and kept for up to two years. These provisions are similar to the initiative introduced by Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom.
Assembly Bill 1135andSenate Bill 880would expand California's current definition of "assault weapon," banning many popular semi-automatic firearms current legal under California law while doing nothing to keep guns out of the hands of criminals.
NSSF will continue to oppose these measures as they will do nothing to increase public safety.Please contact your state senator TODAY and respectfully urge him or her to oppose these extremely misguided efforts.Contact information for your state senator can be found here.